I manage all of my email accounts through Gmail, so I often go through the process of adding a new address into my main Gmail account. Today, I came across an annoying little error:
There was a problem connecting to pop.gmail.com
Server returned error: “Account misconfig: hostname contains unsafe characters.”
After doing a quick Google search, it seems there are a lot of people running into this error. Luckily, the solution is really simple.
You’ve probably added an extra space after entering the POP Server: “pop.gmail.com”. Just take out that trailing space and your problem is solved!
Here’s a quick screenshot:
Little errors like this can be really annoying, so hopefully this saves you a headache.
Thanks! It was such a simple solution :) . I had left a trailing space.
Thanks! That helped a lot.
Thanks loads! Such an annoying silly little mistake.
Life saver!
muchas gracias!
Thank You! I thought I was going mad for hours.
Error When Adding New Email Account To Gmail: “Account Misconfig: hostname contains unsafe characters.” – Justin’s Blog « Kynio
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It looks I’m not the only one to say: thanks a lot for this post!
you are a superstar! thank you!
Thanks for solving my problem!
Thanks, man!
That was it! Thx!
Thank you, this was pissin me the hell off. It’s always some little annoying mistake.
Thanks so much! I did not expected such a simple and efficient solution :)
Thank you!
thank you so much sir, i thought i ruined my id..lol
Mine isn’t working and there are no spaces anywhere. Any other ideas?
I had no training spaces but when I removed the incoming mailer server details and entered them manually it worked perfectly. There must have been a hidden character somewhere.
Many thanks.
It works! man, thanks a lot, god bless you
I was chatting with support for about an hour, and they still couldn’t resolve this issue. Thank you so much!
I had a space at the beginning and end of the server name, and seeing your screenshot helped me toubleshoot another problem that would have prevented successful email linking:
The prompt asks for “username,” and your email address is written in the line above. What they actually want is your email address repeated.
Thanks again.
Thanks so much for sharing! :-)
Thanks! That fixed it for me.