Author: Justin Thiele
Whoa, awesome ambient track made from slowing down Justin Bieber’s “U Smile” 800%!
I can’t believe how good this track actually sounds, haha. Meme-age :) J. BIEBZ – U SMILE 800% SLOWER by Shamantis If you are curious, the track was made with open source software, PaulStretch:
“The best writing is rewriting” — E.B. White
I’m a big believer in the “rough draft –> revision –> revision –> revision –> final draft” process, but somedays you grow weary of looking at the same words. Thanks for the encouragement E.B. White :-)
Error When Adding New Email Account To Gmail: “Account Misconfig: hostname contains unsafe characters.”
I manage all of my email accounts through Gmail, so I often go through the process of adding a new address into my main Gmail account. Today, I came across an annoying little error: There was a problem connecting to Server returned error: “Account misconfig: hostname contains unsafe characters.” After doing a quick Google … [Read more…]
Ratio of APPL to MSFT market caps on Wolfram Alpha [via @gruber]
As John Gruber put it: jaw drop.
The Shining (happy version) – Remixed trailer into an awesome family movie version
via Apparently this is a few years old, but I never saw it. Brilliant.
“Exit Through the Gift Shop” full length film by Banksy! [trailer]
via Sadly, no dates for Portland yet :( Screenings: On April 16th: New York: Sunshine Theater New York: Lincoln Plaza Los Angeles: The Landmark Los Angeles: Arclight, Hollywood San Francisco: Embarcadero Berkeley: Shattuck San Rafael: Rafael Palo Alto: Aquarius On April 23rd: Philadelphia: Ritz 5 Chicago: Century Seattle: Harvard Exit Boston: Kendall Square On … [Read more…]
Urban Airship’s AirMail gives users an Inbox for push notifications
via Here’s a quick demo of AirMail, Urban Airship’s brand new product that gives users an inbox for push notifications. This is going to be huge. Congrats guys!
Slate’s overview of Google TV Ads and how they ran an ad on Fox News
I had heard about Google TV Ads, awhile back but never took the time to really see how it worked or what it was capable of. It’s really intrigueing to see how simple it is to put up TV spots and advertise to a mainstream audience. Does Mugasha need a TV ad? Not so sure … [Read more…]