Great work seems obvious in retrospect. This is especially true of great design and great writing. Once it’s seen, once it’s read, we can’t imagine it any other way. It seems so simple and obvious.
Because the result looks so easy, we naively believe that the process of getting there was easy.
This leads to a lot of frustration in our own work. We arrogantly expect top notch results from a normal amount of effort. This is especially true in the startup culture where we’re all trying to “do more faster“.
Great work doesn’t happen magically. Ideas are constantly iterated upon, revised, and usually scrapped all together. Frustratingly, this happens over and over, until the most simple, clear, obvious solution is found. The result couldn’t exist without the process. You can’t cheat effort.
Care enough to do great work. Put in the time. Embrace the frustration and the process.