The Sagan Series: The Frontier Is Everywhere
Check out this website I found at Why Hello is an awesome service created by the Alex’s. Similar to Check it out:
I’ve been thinking a lot about how information gets distributed in emergency situations. In the United States we have the Emergency Alert System, which you’ve probably seen on TV: The thing is, the EAS is centered around TV and radio broadcasts. In the age of DVRs, Netflix, iPods, etc, how does emergency information reach people … [Read more…]
via They had a pretty cool campaign but then blew all of their street cred with this terrible recap video. That voice-over work…yeeesh.
Here’s the thing, Tons of great info gets shared at conferences, but by the end you are so overwhelmed with information that you can’t remember the details of the sessions. Afterword, you set off to refresh your memory, but the conference content is strewn all over the internet: video is on YouTube and Ustream; slides … [Read more…]
You know that feeling you get when you’re struck with a new idea? Adrenaline surges, your mind races through the possibilities, your fingers begin creating mindmaps as quickly as they can. Ok, maybe that last part is just me. Anyway. I get that feeling a lot. It’s addicting. But executing ideas is the hard part. … [Read more…]
On Thursday, Noah Kagan put out the Geek Bat Signal to crowd-source the optimization of the AppSumo page. Being a guy who fancies a challenge and likes to help out other startup folks, I put in some thinking and mocked up my ideas. I thought I’d share the results here on my blog as well. … [Read more…]
via circa 1997